The Northern Branch Instructors are a team of volunteers that devote much time and effort into building knowledge and experience to assist you in training your German Shepherd. All of our instructors are qualified under the German Shepherd Obedience Training Committee Instructor Program and have many years combined experience in training, trialling, showing, tracking and competing at various levels with German Shepherds.The dedication and hard work that these people put in results in the training advice, guidance and knowledge that allows the Northern Branch to keep moving forward.
Our instructors have many years of experience in living with, handling and training German Shepherds. As a club member you can avail yourself to that knowledge base at any time, most importantly in the formative weeks of your puppy’s development generally considered between 8 and 16 weeks.
Northern’s current instructors.
Andrew Quinn Chief instructor
Zora Marko Assistant Chief Instructor
Terry Skinner
Terry Taukus
Craig Whitford
David Powell
Jim Rose
Ethel Thompson
Geoff Byron
Christine Delesan
David del Monaco
Shane Francis Trainee
Angel Chul Trainee
Beth Healy Trainee